Friday, March 11, 2011

Steel-Cut Oatmeal...please give this a try!

File:Steel Cut Oats 008 A.jpg
uncooked steel-cut oats
     If you are an oatmeal fan or not, you must consider this recipe.....
What is steel-cut oatmeal?? Well let me tell you, as per Wikipedia:
Steel-cut oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernels) which have been cut into only two or three pieces by steel rather than being rolled. They are golden in color and resemble small rice pieces.
    The taste is awesome, much nuttier and chewier than the bland mushy quick oats (no offense). They take a while to cook and like most people, you probably don't have 30min to spare to cook it. So I have come up with an easier way, start the night before. Sure you can put it into a slow cooker, but I just do it on the stove-top.

For 2-3 servings
1/2c. steel-cut oats
2c. water

1. First I toast the oats in the same saucepan that I will boil them in. I add a little coconut oil (or butter/margarine). Toasting them enhances their nutty makes your kitchen smell great! Just for a few min 3-4 until they become fragrant.
2. Add 2c. water to saucepan, it will boil quickly bc you already had the heat on for a while. Once boiling, turn down the heat let simmer for about 10min.
3. Turn off heat, put the lid on and go to sleep.

toasting oats

I transfer the oats to a tupperware container and take about 1/4c(-ish) back into the saucepan, add milk to cover and simmer another 5 min, until the milk has absorbed. Meanwhile, I am usually getting my lunch together for work, or making some tea/coffee. Don't feel like you do not have 5 min in the morning to get this done, go brush your teeth, get dressed, etc. It does not need your help to simmer!

Apple Cinnamon

Toppings are endless...

Pear & Almond Butter
Banana PB & J

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